Главная > Investigation Division > What does Investigations Division investigate?

What does Investigations Division investigate?

- Procurement fraud
- Corruption and bribery
- Theft and embezzlement
- Entitlements fraud
- Sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (SEA)
- Sexual harassment
- Misuse of FUND RA resources
- Misrepresentation, forgery, false certification
- Failure to comply with financial disclosure requirements
- Improper recruitment
- Retaliation against whistle-blowers (after the finding of a prima facie case
by the Ethics Officer)
- Assault and threat
- Workplace harassment (upon receipt/review of referral from the Director,
- People and Change Group (PCG))
- Abuse of authority
- Failure to comply with local laws/abuse of privileges and immunities
- Any other misconduct, such as willful, reckless or grossly negligent disregard of FUND RA regulations, rules, and operational instructions